Our Mission

Our Mission

The plastic overlap of each trash bag over the edge of the trash can wastes 30% of the plastic, per bag. And this is under the assumption that people fill each trash bag up to the brim each time. Which they don’t. 


People throw away half-empty trash bags all the time. Remember when we frequently changed contaminated trash bags during the COVID-19 pandemic for hygiene and safety concerns? Or even now, when we immediately throw our compost away whenever it begins to smell bad, regardless of how full our trash bag is? We just throw out the entire bag, often without filling it to the brim, thus wasting a large portion of the plastic on each trash bag. This situation is even more extreme in businesses like hotels, bars, and restaurants that switch out trash bags twice per day to maintain hygiene and hospitality standards, regardless of how much trash is in the bag. 


Our mission at Uocan is to improve people’s lives by making eco-friendly products accessible and affordable. Let’s break that down further.

With the Uocan Pro, we can reduce 30% of plastic waste per trash bag. Our design award-winning trash can allows you to cut the trash bag at any size, anytime. You decide. If we are unwilling or unable to adjust the size of trash to 

perfectly fit our plastic bags, let’s instead adjust the size of our plastic bags to fit our trash.          


By showing your interest in Uocan, we know you are making a sincere effort to reduce plastic waste at your home and embrace more sustainable lifestyle choices. We want you to proudly be able to claim that you live in a green, eco-friendly home which minimizes plastic waste. But, we don’t want sustainable product choices to come at an unreasonable financial cost. With our affordable trash can and trash bags, we want to make it the logical financial option to live a greener life, so you can improve your life without thinking twice because your wise choices benefit yourself, your household, and satisfy your budget, all while saving our beautiful blue planet.      


We cannot sit idly and wait for a plastic-free solution for our trash bags, while plastic recycling of 100% of our trash bags seems like a distantly far away solution. Every day, our trash bags end up in landfills and oceans, destroying our mother Earth. Our vision is to replace trash bags all over our cities with Uocan – in our offices, schools, restaurants, hotels, bars, cafes, and homes. Saving 30% of plastic on an individual trash bag may not seem like much. But once Uocan is widely adopted, the impact will be enormous once small sustainable actions begin to add up into a global green revolution.       


Every month in the US, an individual consumes an average of 13 trash bags. With Uocan, we can cut down on this number by at least 30% for each person. Looking to the future, where we hope to replace at least 10,000 traditional trash cans with Uocans by the end of 2024, this translates to 468,000 trash bags saved a year. And our impact will only continue to grow.         


Ever thought about changing the world in a massive, positive way? Well now, you can with our sustainable, innovative and affordable green trash can. YOU CAN with Uocan.             



Did we pique your curiosity? Learn more about the upcoming green revolution at https://www.uocan.com.


By Arya Dharod